Tax Services

When it comes to the world of taxes, preparation and planning go a LONG way. We have the expertise and knowledge you are looking for in a tax professional and can help you navigate your options.

We’re happy to help you with any of these services:

Tax Preparation

Stop missing out on potential deductions that could be saving you big money!

Tax Planning

Real strategies and solutions to help you minimize your IRS liability.

IRS AUDIT Representation

Don’t go it alone! We’re your ally and representative in an IRS audit.

Using an IRS Accountable Plan to Maximize Deductions for Your East Coast Business

Any of you East Coast business owners remember those halcyon days when you could "talk a little business" with somebody while traveling ... and then you got to write off the whole getaway on your taxes?Even if that ever really happened, that ain’t today. Now, the good...

Buccigrossi and Associates’s Thoughts on Being Thankful in Difficulty

“It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” I think we can agree that Charles Dickens’s famous lines ring true when looking back at 2020 and 2021 (though “best” might seem like a stretch).With employees shifting their worlds to make room for new priorities,...

An Accounting Methods Rundown for East Coast Businesses

Before I get into accounting methods basics today (a subject near to my heart) ... I hope you were able to get in on some Memorial Day activities this past weekend (though I know some East Coast business owners are in the thick of things during this commemorative...

What is the Best Payroll Software for Your East Coast Small Business?

Every East Coast business owner in today’s inflationary environment is looking for ways to economize and improve: overhead expenses, workload, staffing needs, office space, supply chains, etc. It all feels stretched. We’re *all* feeling it, even here in East Coast.So...

Alleviating Cash Flow Management Pains for East Coast Businesses

[1] Because we’re talking cash flow management today… with a recession looming on the horizon and the effects of inflation being felt so hard in everyday life, it’s difficult not to freak out over what lies ahead for your East Coast small...

Expense Reimbursement vs Company Credit Cards: What East Coast Business Owners Need to Decide

If you'll forgive me, I'm going to get pretty geeky today.You probably didn't realize that there are actual pros and cons to expense reimbursement for employees, etc. or using a company cc. Oh my East Coast readers, I'm going to take you down a little rabbit hole...

5 Tax Planning Tips to Give Your East Coast Business a New Look This Summer

Before we talk about some tax planning tips to give your business a new look this summer, I first want to say that I hope your Memorial Day weekend was special. Even though this East Coast business owner had some work to do, a quiet office is my friend. In thinking...

Employee Retention Strategies for Proactive East Coast Bosses

Your employees are happy, right? They’re never going to leave you ... right?They’re not looking for another East Coast job ... uh ... right?You know what the answers are: Maybe, wrong, and I sure hope not.Sooner or later, the advantage will swing back to you, the boss...

Three Keys To Shorter Meetings For Your Business

Last week I wrote about working less and testing the 80/20 hypothesis for your East Coast business work cycle. I'd love to know if you had a chance to consider putting this into practice, send us an email using the email icon at the top right-hand corner of our...

Small Business Mentoring For Your East Coast Business

Did you know that about 20% of small businesses fail in their first year? That’s a daunting statistic for anyone starting a new East Coast business. And, even scarier, is the reality that companies with owners younger than 30 are even more likely to...

How You’re Missing Legal Tax Deductions

Here’s a certain truth: the State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.
But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!

See How We Can Help