For Individuals

College Financial Planning

How Can You Pay for Your Kid to go to College, Spend and Save as You Are Now, and Increase the Amount of Money You have for Retirement?

Elder Care Financial Care

Finally… Worry Free Financial Management for Your Aging Parent or Family Member.

Estate Planning Done Right

Make Sure Your Family Transitions Prepare Your Children and Your Family for Financial Freedom.

East Coast Business Owners: Beware the Sales Tax Nexus

If your East Coast business sells a lot online, then we’re coming into the most wonderful time of the year.And this year, your customers will probably shop your website (and elsewhere online) EARLY in order to bypass all those supply-chain snafus. Cha-ching for...

Disaster Recovery Planning Your East Coast Small Business Probably Needs

The phone rings in the middle of the night and a voice says your office is on fire. Early on a long weekend, that old pipe in the back finally bursts and no one will see the water for days. Or suddenly the Weather Channel’s saying a hurricane is barreling in your...

Time Management Software Choices for East Coast Businesses

Tax “season” is over – at least for most of us. For all of the tax-exempt organizations out there operating on a calendar year basis, just a little nudge regarding the May 16th filing deadline. We’re here to help.Now, however, despite the relief that comes with the...

How East Coast Businesses Can Raise Prices Without Losing Customers

Are you watching your COGS these days?(I, ahem, hope you know what those letters stand for, because if not ... well, then we should DEFINITELY talk. (412) 856-8799 )Has it gone up?You're probably not alone given what kind of signals the economy is sending these...

A Financial Systems Check-Up For Your East Coast  Business

Your East Coast business obviously makes and spends money. The pluses and minuses add up (you hope) to being able to stay in business, and a look at the books tells you if your East Coast business is doing okay or headed for trouble.What are your books telling YOU?In...

Saving on Office Space for Your East Coast Business

Office space can be a big part of owning your own business. It can be a pretty big expense, too… And of course, the past two years might have changed how you do business in that East Coast office – a lot. Maybe you have more people working from home. Maybe you’ve...

A Few Helpful Tips for East Coast Businesses to Win at Controlling Costs

So ... I'm not sure if you knew this.Apparently, running a business is expensive. And controlling costs can be daunting.But despite whatever you might see from those gurus who are posing by their Lamborghinis in the Facebook ads ... even the leanest East Coast...

Buccigrossi & Associates, LLC on Managing Small Business Loan Options

The big, emergency SBA loan programs for small businesses (like yours) that were launched (PPP) and expanded (EIDL) over the last couple of years are moving back from the radar or wrapping up.That said, there are still great options for funding your East Coast...

Three Financial Statements East Coast SMBs Need To Get Right

If you’re a successful East Coast business owner in this high-pressure time, you’ve learned to master the art of the pivot. Pivot on pricing, pivot on operations, pivot on hiring, pivot on supply, pivot on financials... Successfully pulling it off is...

5 Tax Planning Tips to Give Your East Coast Business a New Look This Summer

Before we talk about some tax planning tips to give your business a new look this summer, I first want to say that I hope your Memorial Day weekend was special. Even though this East Coast business owner had some work to do, a quiet office is my friend. In thinking...

How You’re Missing Legal Tax Deductions

Here’s a certain truth: the State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.
But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!

See How We Can Help