Tax Services

When it comes to the world of taxes, preparation and planning go a LONG way. We have the expertise and knowledge you are looking for in a tax professional and can help you navigate your options.

We’re happy to help you with any of these services:

Tax Preparation

Stop missing out on potential deductions that could be saving you big money!

Tax Planning

Real strategies and solutions to help you minimize your IRS liability.

IRS AUDIT Representation

Don’t go it alone! We’re your ally and representative in an IRS audit.

5 Cybersecurity Steps all East Coast Business Owners Should Take

From making sure that nobody is doing Zoom calls in their bathrobe to ensuring that work actually gets done on time, you’ve got a few extra things to worry about as a East Coast business owner these days.Chief among those new concerns, however, should be...

What is the Best Payroll Software for Your East Coast Small Business?

Every East Coast business owner in today’s inflationary environment is looking for ways to economize and improve: overhead expenses, workload, staffing needs, office space, supply chains, etc. It all feels stretched. We’re *all* feeling it, even here in East Coast.So...

Customer Relationship Management Software for East Coast Businesses

Apparently, it is National Small Business Week. And while I tend to think these kinds of “national weeks” or days, or what have you, are often pretty silly … well, as someone who has been in the trenches with the SMB community over the last few years, I...

The Infrastructure Act and Your East Coast Business

Blink, and we're already into December.Which also means… 2022 is right around the corner.Are you ready?The reason I put this so starkly is that you and I have less than 30 days left to make a tangible difference on your taxes (business or personal).For your business...

Solving Problems in East Coast Businesses with Effective Solutions

There's this idea out there among many wannabe East Coast business owners that they have to come up with the next completely fresh idea in order to have a great business. Shows like Shark Tank (which I love) go towards creating this kind of mindset -- although the...

Year-End Business Tax Strategy for East Coast SMB Owners

There are many of our clients for whom this time of year is like their version of the Super Bowl. Some East Coast businesses are earning 30-50% (or more) of their yearly revenue in this one month.Others ... well, this is a normal month -- except of course for all of...

Buccigrossi & Associates, LLC’s Guide to the Profit and Loss Statement

As a small business owner, you’re often preoccupied with all the things that go into running your East Coast business – the daily logistics, managing employee workflow, paying the bills, bringing in more customers… making a profit. Let’s focus on that last one,...

Buccigrossi & Associates, LLC on Managing Small Business Loan Options

The big, emergency SBA loan programs for small businesses (like yours) that were launched (PPP) and expanded (EIDL) over the last couple of years are moving back from the radar or wrapping up.That said, there are still great options for funding your East Coast...

Buccigrossi and Associates’s Tips for Building a Business Emergency Fund

Pretty sure I've said this before.I'll likely say it again, too.If there’s one thing the past year has taught business owners, it’s that the "unexpected" can occur at any time.Managing your East Coast business during good times is hard enough; rough times make it all...

Making Sure Everyone Gets Paid in East Coast Business Partnerships

The first months of 2022 have been somewhat of a whirlwind. And while people everywhere are breaking out the deep cleaning sprays and scrub brushes to get a little springtime sparkle, you might want to be thinking about a similar process for your business. You know,...

How You’re Missing Legal Tax Deductions

Here’s a certain truth: the State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.
But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!

See How We Can Help